Acabo de recibir estos maravillosos colores de esmalte de la nueva colección Vernis de Dior, no son maravillosos? E incluso combinan perfectamente entre ellos para mezclarlos, los imagino idelaes con outfits nude, rojos o coral...
I have just received a packet from Dior with this awesome colors of the new Dior Vernis collection, love them! I think even into mix them as they match so perfectly, and also imagine them wearing nude, coral or red outfits.

Trendycrew, Stockholm St. Style, Late Afternoon, Carolines Mode, altamira, Vanessa Jackmann, Fashion Vibe, Wayne Tippets, Song of StyleY tienen unos nombres de lo más sugerente:
And they have really suggestive names:
Dior Vernis: Nirvana 704 (my favourite!)
Dior Vernis: Blue Denim 607
Dior Vernis: Perfecto 804